When her husband died it shook Miyako Sakashita’s life. So much so that she abandoned her 5 year old daughter Yuzuyu and vanished. But this is not the story of Miyako Sakashita, it is the story of her daughter Yuzuyu and her new guardian… 17 year old Kippei Katakura?!?
The hitch is that this was decided, by Kippei’s scary sister no less, to teach him responsibility… however it seems that this “lesson” might as well be not so much to teach Kippei as it is to realize the factual truth that nobody else in the Katakura family seems capable of caring for another human being, let alone a 5 year old.
However if just struggling through the first day of school for Yuzuyu was a hardship things will get worst as the days pass, starting with Kippei’s first attempt to make rice balls and them upwards from there.
Kippei, struggling to understand how to care for Yuzuyu, begins to grill the girls at school about girls, and thus begins to possibly learn about about women from all his inquisitions in an attempt to figure out how Yuzuyu ticks.
Too bad this eventually draws the attention of a jealous suitor from Year one (freshman) who is willing to do anything to wretch Yuzuyu out of Kippei’s life, even if she does some ultra nasty and dirty things to poor little Yuzuyu to have her way with Kippei. But maybe a little help from someone who is supposedly not interested in Kippei can derail this “Fatal Attraction” girl before things get worst.
Oh, meanwhile Yuzuyu picks up a “rival” in a girl in her class who ends up getting a crush on… Kippei?
That and a twist hit’s the end of the volume as a letter from MIA mother Miyako surfaces, possibly holding the truth behind why she vanished when she did.
Breakdown time.
Aishiteruze Baby V. 1 Breakdown
You remember how up I was on this when I gave you my first look at this title, right? Well this volume solidifies that and locks and loads it into full recommendation (just in case I wasn’t enthusiastic enough before about my recommendation of this as a read).
I know, I know, for weeks now I’ve been touting the wonders of VIZ’s Shojo line with a vengeance. I’ve been pushing Nana & Crimson Hero in the past, started pushing this now, and have an eye on Full Moon O Sagashite in the near future, but is that too much push? I don’t think so. I wouldn’t have said these are worth your time and effort to read if I didn’t think they were just that, titles worth reading.
As you watch Kippei and Yuzuyu come closer together you’ll be exposed to a nicely written, well crafted little wonder of the shojo genre that will genuinely make you want to see what comes next, as each volume counts down to the inevitable time when Kippei and Yuzuyu may have to part ways.
But that is the future, this is the here and now. With Volume 2 slated for release June 6th (which, along with Nana V. 3, brings a bright blinding beam of sunshine raining down on Omen theatrical release day (6/6/6)) this is as good a time to check out the first volume of this series, before the next chapter hits and the series really start rolling along. Go out, try it out, find the beauty of this and enjoy. Nuff said.
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