Antarctic Press
Country of origin
4 volumes
Year of production
Rod Espinosa
Rod Espinosa
Oh, joy, another Independence Day end of the world title… only, wait for it… wait for it… it might actually have a point AND that point will actually make sense! Yes! A title about rampaging impossible to defeat enemies that actually makes SENSE and is logical to boot! How insidious!The first two of this four parter might not yield the logical part, but once you get to Issue #2 and it’s all laid out before you (I’ll go over it with you on the next review) you’ll see the gold lining to this seemingly “alsoran” monster masher and realize that (once you ponder it and think about it) it all makes sense. Really.
But short story since I’m warming you up for the closing review next time.
Mankind has returned to the moon, and while on the moon one Mr. Hank (he who might have been cloned from da Schwarzenegger) Armstrong, along with his fellow ‘nauts, gets ambushed by the first wave of invading dinosaurs! Before you can say “Wow! It’s like Independence Jurassic Park Day!” the dinosaurs attack! From there it’s all action and military fighting a losing battle against the small to oh (bleep) that’s a (bleep)in big dinosaur action from there on out.
But let’s tune away from that as the actual story, and thus the logical reason why this is all coming down, goes to the hot little blonde former girlfriend (who he might have a shot at again) named Debra McDonald who has two little dino-visitors in her house. These two are the emissaries for the OTHER faction of the ‘saurs, and yes… there’s TWO factions… sorta like Leonard Nimoy’s dinosaur series from years back… oh, and as it turns out this side has the answers to why this is going on and after they play a little “Deal or No Deal” (the Planetary version) with the UN (good luck) their side might come down on the Earth’s side and help them save themselves from the bad dinos… if they are only willing to give up land to them.
So basically the Earth is screwed since the odds of that are so not good. Bye, bye Earth.
As the second review comes soon we’re about to find out the “past” of these space faring dinos (hint : nope, aliens did not kidnap them), why they’re here and why this whole scenario actually makes sense (and yes it will make sense, but here’s how to put it… remove the dinosaurs, push the clock forward, and imagine the same scenario with humans instead of dinosaurs as the aggressors and you’ll get a good idea why this works). In short it might be a Saturday cinema monster basher in the vein of Independence Day, but once you get past the giant city smashing creatures and so forth and see the reasonings behind this whole invasion and you’ll see there’s a bit more depth to this. The story and how it came to be, thus, isn’t our problem.
It’s the ending that scares me. As of the end of Issue #3 I don’t see how this could all wrap so quickly less we have more issues to come because the way it ends it doesn’t seem to me as if it leads itself to a quick resolution (not by a long shot)! But still, all in all I am more upbeat about this than disappointed.
What looks like a mere action yarn has a story, one that works no less (which is rare), and the action is nice as well (I mean damn, rampaging invading dinosaurs from space) so how can you go wrong here? In anycase its better than Independence Day so you should find some joy in it.
DinoWars #1 & #2 get 4 Steven Spielberg directed live action tie-in movie contracts out of 5.
DinoWars and all related characters are TM & C 2007 Rod Espinosa.
Antarctic Press
Country of origin
4 volumes
Year of production
Rod Espinosa
Rod Espinosa
Oh, joy, another Independence Day end of the world title… only, wait for it… wait for it… it might actually have a point AND that point will actually make sense! Yes! A title about rampaging impossible to defeat enemies that actually makes SENSE and is logical to boot! How insidious!The first two of this four parter might not yield the logical part, but once you get to Issue #2 and it’s all laid out before you (I’ll go over it with you on the next review) you’ll see the gold lining to this seemingly “alsoran” monster masher and realize that (once you ponder it and think about it) it all makes sense. Really.
But short story since I’m warming you up for the closing review next time.
Mankind has returned to the moon, and while on the moon one Mr. Hank (he who might have been cloned from da Schwarzenegger) Armstrong, along with his fellow ‘nauts, gets ambushed by the first wave of invading dinosaurs! Before you can say “Wow! It’s like Independence Jurassic Park Day!” the dinosaurs attack! From there it’s all action and military fighting a losing battle against the small to oh (bleep) that’s a (bleep)in big dinosaur action from there on out.
But let’s tune away from that as the actual story, and thus the logical reason why this is all coming down, goes to the hot little blonde former girlfriend (who he might have a shot at again) named Debra McDonald who has two little dino-visitors in her house. These two are the emissaries for the OTHER faction of the ‘saurs, and yes… there’s TWO factions… sorta like Leonard Nimoy’s dinosaur series from years back… oh, and as it turns out this side has the answers to why this is going on and after they play a little “Deal or No Deal” (the Planetary version) with the UN (good luck) their side might come down on the Earth’s side and help them save themselves from the bad dinos… if they are only willing to give up land to them.
So basically the Earth is screwed since the odds of that are so not good. Bye, bye Earth.
As the second review comes soon we’re about to find out the “past” of these space faring dinos (hint : nope, aliens did not kidnap them), why they’re here and why this whole scenario actually makes sense (and yes it will make sense, but here’s how to put it… remove the dinosaurs, push the clock forward, and imagine the same scenario with humans instead of dinosaurs as the aggressors and you’ll get a good idea why this works). In short it might be a Saturday cinema monster basher in the vein of Independence Day, but once you get past the giant city smashing creatures and so forth and see the reasonings behind this whole invasion and you’ll see there’s a bit more depth to this. The story and how it came to be, thus, isn’t our problem.
It’s the ending that scares me. As of the end of Issue #3 I don’t see how this could all wrap so quickly less we have more issues to come because the way it ends it doesn’t seem to me as if it leads itself to a quick resolution (not by a long shot)! But still, all in all I am more upbeat about this than disappointed.
What looks like a mere action yarn has a story, one that works no less (which is rare), and the action is nice as well (I mean damn, rampaging invading dinosaurs from space) so how can you go wrong here? In anycase its better than Independence Day so you should find some joy in it.
DinoWars #1 & #2 get 4 Steven Spielberg directed live action tie-in movie contracts out of 5.
DinoWars and all related characters are TM & C 2007 Rod Espinosa.
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