Michael Seebach, aka Schwarzwald (Big O II Episode 17)
One of the series I talk about in glowing terms in term of the Anime series, mainly the Big O from BANDAI, let’s talk about the manga now (and why that’s also worth your time and effort to check out).
Put out by VIZ, and done by Hitoshi Ariga, the series follows the action that happened in the Anime but is not a straight translation (filling in the blanks here and there with either stories that happened between the anime, or stories that take Anime episodes and brings a different slant on it).
Presently you should be seeing Big O II volumes, as Ariga was talking (as of Big O V. 5) about doing a set of mangas concerning the second half of Big O, but this is the first season (Episode 1-13).
Volume 1
(PS - This is the review of the actual issues, back when VIZ put out issue by issue titles at $3.50 a pop. Because of this I don’t have any notes of what “extras” are included in the collected volumes of Big O… sorry.)
40 years ago something happened. Nobody knows what happened… probably because it had to do with everyone losing their memories and all… but 40 years ago everyone lost their memories.
They forgot their lives, they friends, their families, their debts, their profits, their house keys, their house, to make another Dynasty Warriors and Romance of the Three Kingdoms game… whoo-hoo!!
But in this city there’s someone who is ready to negotiate for you. Ready to help you in the crippling maze of lost memories and found troubles amongst the forgetful. A name known to all who know not much.
The Negotiator of Paradigm City. His name is Phoenix Wri-- wait… (blinks)… why the hell does Phoenix Wright (Nintendo DS’s Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney) look like Roger Smith of Paradigm City?!?
Well, until Sunrise remembers what Roger Smith looks like and sues whoever made Phoenix Wright we’re stuck with the two Rogers… or is it the two Phoenixes… something.
Meanwhile back to Volume 1. The first 4/5th of the title gets you in touch with Roger Smith, and his good work… but the bad guy of the title is somebody you probably didn’t think could lead a title for long, mainly bad old Beck himself (he who thinks he’s The Joker meets some half (bleep) Bond villain).
In two negotiations Smith is going to have his hands full with situations instigated by Beck, who is actually abit smarter than he looks… believe it or not.
Volume 1 ends with the arrival of R Dorothy, and the tie in to Episodes 1 to 2.
Volume 2
At the end of Volume 1 we were left with a cliffhanger in the first appearance of R Dorothy, which ends quickly with her joining the household of Roger Smith and Norman.
From there it’s off to the races of first appearances with the arrival of Angel (she who is known as Wendee Lee in the English dub version), the first appearance of R Instro (he who teaches R Dorothy how to tickle the ebonies and ivories of the piano) as well as a most interesting tale of a killer cyborg who just remembered what he forgot to kill, and finally we wrap Volume 2 with the first appearance (in an alternate tale) of he who is probably the one true “Batman” like enemy of Roger Smith. Former newspaperman Michael Seeback, aka Schwarzwald.
As we end we past the Episode 4 mark, with much yet to go through before we reach the halfway point.
Now the breakdown, quickly now quickly.
Big O Breakdown the 1st & 2nd
What’s Hot?
It’s one of the few series I really really have lots of good things to say about.
Series like this, Cowboy Bebop, Planetes, Galaxy Angel, Azumanga Daioh and more are tops on my list, and this is one of those titles that I feel the same about both the Anime and Manga.
If you love the Anime you’ll love the Manga, but if you are curious about the Anime then maybe you should be picking up the Manga to see if you’ll like it. Either way the manga is worth recommending and checking out, especially since they’re now available as a nice easy to afford $10 a pop (when they first came out they were not so easily priced but not anymore).
What’s Not?
Hmm… I can’t think of a fault with this. Kudos.
Moments to Remember?
Hmm… you can find that for yourself. Really. Though I do have a favorite R Dorothy issue in Volume 3 to talk about, but that’s next review.
What to Ignore?
What do you know… Beck is not such a pain, but the overusage of Beck in Volume 1 though… ah, I guess some people like Beck’s character. I guess.
Recommended from me to you. If you can? Try it out. Should be a nice read, and you don’t even need to be a fan of the Anime to like this (but it helps). And you can even fit a few in your Christmas stocking if you want an alternative to candy for Christmas morning.
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