Dark Horse
Country of origin
1 volume
Year of production
Adam Warren
Adam Warren
With the whole Best of 2006 voting thing coming around the corner (nomination process to begin November 1st) I was thinking about how it’s been awhile since there’s been anything of note in the AmeriManga category, what with this year showing promise with underdog Seven Seas and longtime company TOKYOPOP facing off with several interesting titles apiece. That being said I thought back to several notables in the category. Some are still relevant, like Ben Dunn for instance. While others… well, are not so. Take Adam Warren (please), now I’m sure he’s still in the industry around (and kicking some assistant as we speak) but for my own personaly experience he might as well have fallen off the planet since I haven’t seen anything of note from him in a long time.
Back in the day, when I was into his work, I followed his one big title… yeah, before the whole MARVEL Mangaverse thing and his going there which lead to whatever he’s doing now I used to read his take on the Dirty Pair, but that was then and this is… well, this is now. He doesn’t do the Dirty Pair anymore. Not since his last original title (Run From The Future), and his last George Lucas style revisioning of his work (Sim Hell Remastered) has he even touched on this franchise that he started quite some years ago, effectively falling right off the recogintion radar for myself at that point… not that his series was on the radar of many Dirty Pair purists who more often than not were quite opposed to his revisioning of the pair, sticking to their guns and the Haruka Takachiho vision of the series that has it’s roots way back in old school movie Crusher Joe.
Eh? Well, in brief here’s the overall evolution of the Pair (which, as I mentioned in a different piece, is embroiled in a popular urban myth concerning the “birth” of the Yuri (girl on girl action) genre).
Version 1
The original that appeared in a cameo (in the drive-in theater sequence) in Crusher Joe (movie). They later appeared in some novels written by Mr. Takachiho.
They looked different than they do in future incarnations, and this is the only version in which the pair had a bit of psychic abilities (while the on and off again representation of Mughi, their sidekick “pet”, resembled a Displacer Beast from AD&D as opposed to the giant fuzzy bear thingee from Dirty Pair TV/OVA, a look by the way that is revisited again in Dirty Pair-Flash but only in cute chibi form).
Version 2
The 1985 TV Series version (which also appeared in a OAV called Affair on Nolandia if memory serves me correctly... and it doesn't always do that so don't blame me if I'm slightly off) is Version 2. The psychic abilities are now gone, Mughi is a giant fuzzy thing (no longer the agile and striking Displacer Beast knockoff) and they gain a mechanical addition to the team in a little gizmo called Nanmo (if I remember right).
The series runs for 26 episodes and the aforementioned OAV.
Version 3
The 1987 OAV Series (new costumes and apparently a little older), sometimes referred to as Dirty Pair TV II or TV Season 2 with10 OAVs (or TV episodes depending on who you ask), one Movie and one more OAV rounding out this version.
Version 4 to 4b - Adam Warren's works fall into this Version.
Version 4 - The first two Graphic Novels (Biohazard and Dangerous Acquaintances) fill up this version. Kind of resembling the Version 1 Pair, Adam is just getting into the swing of doing this series and the series is more story driven, not to mention abit risque, at this point.
Version 4a - The second three Graphic Novels (Plague of Angels, Sim Hell & Fatal But Not Serious) take up this version. The Pair begin to form their own look while still maintaining a resemblance to their original counterpart, branching out into three stories that sees the title shift from Eclipse to Dark Horse (who swallowed up Eclipse if I remember right concerning the events of way back when), and an apparent series altering event that happens in Fatal which brings about Version 4b… the shortest lived version.
(NOTE - One of these, Sim Hell, got a redress with a Remastered version… which is, to date, the only Adam Warren Dirty Pair volume to get such a redress).
Version 4b - A one shot and this Graphic Novel round out the short history of this version, completely going in a new direction though not for long as Mr. Warren seemed to have become burned out by the Pair to the point that not even a complete overhaul could bring him back from the brink of shelving the Pair seemingly permanently.
Version 5 - Dirty Pair Flash! version. Going back to Japan we see the birth of the last Dirty Pair franchise series, which lives through a series of OAVs (now found on a single collector’s DVD available at a cheap price from Right Stuf International) and a series of mangas that, to date, have not made the jump across the Pacific to English translation.
(NOTE - I’ll go dig up that DVD set for you and give you a review in the near future).
Version 6 - Nope. Once upon a time I was optimistic about the birth of a 6th Version of the Pair…. But now that all this time has passed I have become jaded to the fact that there will probably never be a 6th version of the Pair. Never.
Sure, go on, prove me wrong Haruka Takachiho or Adam Warren, prove me wrong. I, for one, am not ashamed to admit that I want to be proven wrong at least where this one “Fact” as it presently stands is concerned.
Now, as you came here to relive the glories of Adam Warren past… here it is. The final original run series of his Dirty Pair franchise, Run From The Future.
Run From The Future
Ah. The wonders of the intergalactic black market. You can buy almost anything… except maybe copies of Small Favors (the definitive lesbian erotica comic series that is harder to find than peace in the Middle East), which brings us to this seemingly final ride of the Pair. Yuri and Kei have come to Nimkasi Habitat, a black market "world" where paranoia and mistrust is the golden rule (so much so that the world is a gigantic version of "Big Brother" and guests are only allowed to stay 100 minutes to do their business).
Here, on this world, the Pair have come to do the Dog the Bounty Hunter thing and collect up some 50 of the galaxy’s most troublesome slash nasty slash weird people for extradition (and no, a certain former pop star isn‘t one of them… though a strange thing that looks like Teddy Roosevelt is here along with the rest of the freak show).
That, by the way, is a harsh number. 50 criminals divided by 100 minutes, with the entire series basically having them run about this station catching them left and right with the twist coming with them being captured and coming near death in the final part (which brings about a chance to see a Yuri/Kei in their youthier youth flashback) (which you don’t see again until the bonus material in Sim Hell Remastered) before it’s all over and somebody pushes the panic button.
Being how this is the last Pair you would have thought something good would come of this… and yet it doesn’t happen. This is the pace of the Pair as the series finally sputtered out of steam, more visual splash and splendor than it’s original storyline heavy risque without overdoing the fan service way. This is for those of you who love their pleasures guilty and shameless, because the pleasure in this final outing IS guilty AND shameless at the same time… which may, or may not, be a good thing.
Breakdown time.
Dirty Pair-Run From The Future Breakdown
What's Hot?
That basically depends on who you ask. Really.
Purists mostly never liked the Adam Warren Pair to begin with, so when realization finally sets in that Adam Warren may never return to the Pair? You won’t see them cry anytime soon… they might throw a Dirty Pair Convention to celebrate, sure, but they won’t cry on the passing of the 4th Version of the Pair.
May I recommend, if you have the consoles, time and the monthly subscription fee, the world of Final Fantasy XI for your convention? It’s a relatively quiet MMORPG now that everyone’s moved on the Guild Wars, Star Wars : Galaxies (version 2) and World of Warcraft so you will probably have whole cities for yourselves and your virtual convention. (Of course if you want a free place to meet you’ll go Guild Wars).
What's Not?
It's been... what? Originally when I first penned this it was two years since Adam Warren did a Dirty Pair series (2002). Now it‘s way longer than that (four years going on five)! When will he do another one? I don’t think so, but that’s my own personal grumble on the whole thing. In fact… I don’t even know WHAT he’s doing anymore!! Anybody know what Adam Warren is doing these days? Anyone? Please e-mail me if you know! Thanks.
Moments to Remember?
Yeah. There's some memorable parts here, if you like your guilty pleasures it‘s memorable. And that little 4-1-1 basically says it all about Run From The Future… so nuff said about that.
What to Ignore?
Not much to ignore… shouldn’t since this is the last hoorah after all.
The series is over, and like I said above it’s all a matter of taste here. There is no middle ground when it comes to Adam Warren’s now defunct Dirty Pair franchise, you are either pro or anty-AWDP…. But if you are a fan of Adam Warren (whatever he’s doing now) and want to be Pair Curious then you should really start to check these out. Maybe you’d like to start here… or maybe back in the heydays when the series was fresh and new and starting to grow (back in the Eclipse or early Dark Horse days)?
Either way, there are six volumes in the series so check them out.
As for this one? Give a Warren neither a break nor a hard time, which I shall do as I poke this one right down the center line and award Adam Warren’s Dirty Pair : Run From The Future a straight up middle of the road three… out of 5.
Dark Horse
Country of origin
1 volume
Year of production
Adam Warren
Adam Warren
With the whole Best of 2006 voting thing coming around the corner (nomination process to begin November 1st) I was thinking about how it’s been awhile since there’s been anything of note in the AmeriManga category, what with this year showing promise with underdog Seven Seas and longtime company TOKYOPOP facing off with several interesting titles apiece. That being said I thought back to several notables in the category. Some are still relevant, like Ben Dunn for instance. While others… well, are not so. Take Adam Warren (please), now I’m sure he’s still in the industry around (and kicking some assistant as we speak) but for my own personaly experience he might as well have fallen off the planet since I haven’t seen anything of note from him in a long time.
Back in the day, when I was into his work, I followed his one big title… yeah, before the whole MARVEL Mangaverse thing and his going there which lead to whatever he’s doing now I used to read his take on the Dirty Pair, but that was then and this is… well, this is now. He doesn’t do the Dirty Pair anymore. Not since his last original title (Run From The Future), and his last George Lucas style revisioning of his work (Sim Hell Remastered) has he even touched on this franchise that he started quite some years ago, effectively falling right off the recogintion radar for myself at that point… not that his series was on the radar of many Dirty Pair purists who more often than not were quite opposed to his revisioning of the pair, sticking to their guns and the Haruka Takachiho vision of the series that has it’s roots way back in old school movie Crusher Joe.
Eh? Well, in brief here’s the overall evolution of the Pair (which, as I mentioned in a different piece, is embroiled in a popular urban myth concerning the “birth” of the Yuri (girl on girl action) genre).
Version 1
The original that appeared in a cameo (in the drive-in theater sequence) in Crusher Joe (movie). They later appeared in some novels written by Mr. Takachiho.
They looked different than they do in future incarnations, and this is the only version in which the pair had a bit of psychic abilities (while the on and off again representation of Mughi, their sidekick “pet”, resembled a Displacer Beast from AD&D as opposed to the giant fuzzy bear thingee from Dirty Pair TV/OVA, a look by the way that is revisited again in Dirty Pair-Flash but only in cute chibi form).
Version 2
The 1985 TV Series version (which also appeared in a OAV called Affair on Nolandia if memory serves me correctly... and it doesn't always do that so don't blame me if I'm slightly off) is Version 2. The psychic abilities are now gone, Mughi is a giant fuzzy thing (no longer the agile and striking Displacer Beast knockoff) and they gain a mechanical addition to the team in a little gizmo called Nanmo (if I remember right).
The series runs for 26 episodes and the aforementioned OAV.
Version 3
The 1987 OAV Series (new costumes and apparently a little older), sometimes referred to as Dirty Pair TV II or TV Season 2 with10 OAVs (or TV episodes depending on who you ask), one Movie and one more OAV rounding out this version.
Version 4 to 4b - Adam Warren's works fall into this Version.
Version 4 - The first two Graphic Novels (Biohazard and Dangerous Acquaintances) fill up this version. Kind of resembling the Version 1 Pair, Adam is just getting into the swing of doing this series and the series is more story driven, not to mention abit risque, at this point.
Version 4a - The second three Graphic Novels (Plague of Angels, Sim Hell & Fatal But Not Serious) take up this version. The Pair begin to form their own look while still maintaining a resemblance to their original counterpart, branching out into three stories that sees the title shift from Eclipse to Dark Horse (who swallowed up Eclipse if I remember right concerning the events of way back when), and an apparent series altering event that happens in Fatal which brings about Version 4b… the shortest lived version.
(NOTE - One of these, Sim Hell, got a redress with a Remastered version… which is, to date, the only Adam Warren Dirty Pair volume to get such a redress).
Version 4b - A one shot and this Graphic Novel round out the short history of this version, completely going in a new direction though not for long as Mr. Warren seemed to have become burned out by the Pair to the point that not even a complete overhaul could bring him back from the brink of shelving the Pair seemingly permanently.
Version 5 - Dirty Pair Flash! version. Going back to Japan we see the birth of the last Dirty Pair franchise series, which lives through a series of OAVs (now found on a single collector’s DVD available at a cheap price from Right Stuf International) and a series of mangas that, to date, have not made the jump across the Pacific to English translation.
(NOTE - I’ll go dig up that DVD set for you and give you a review in the near future).
Version 6 - Nope. Once upon a time I was optimistic about the birth of a 6th Version of the Pair…. But now that all this time has passed I have become jaded to the fact that there will probably never be a 6th version of the Pair. Never.
Sure, go on, prove me wrong Haruka Takachiho or Adam Warren, prove me wrong. I, for one, am not ashamed to admit that I want to be proven wrong at least where this one “Fact” as it presently stands is concerned.
Now, as you came here to relive the glories of Adam Warren past… here it is. The final original run series of his Dirty Pair franchise, Run From The Future.
Run From The Future
Ah. The wonders of the intergalactic black market. You can buy almost anything… except maybe copies of Small Favors (the definitive lesbian erotica comic series that is harder to find than peace in the Middle East), which brings us to this seemingly final ride of the Pair. Yuri and Kei have come to Nimkasi Habitat, a black market "world" where paranoia and mistrust is the golden rule (so much so that the world is a gigantic version of "Big Brother" and guests are only allowed to stay 100 minutes to do their business).
Here, on this world, the Pair have come to do the Dog the Bounty Hunter thing and collect up some 50 of the galaxy’s most troublesome slash nasty slash weird people for extradition (and no, a certain former pop star isn‘t one of them… though a strange thing that looks like Teddy Roosevelt is here along with the rest of the freak show).
That, by the way, is a harsh number. 50 criminals divided by 100 minutes, with the entire series basically having them run about this station catching them left and right with the twist coming with them being captured and coming near death in the final part (which brings about a chance to see a Yuri/Kei in their youthier youth flashback) (which you don’t see again until the bonus material in Sim Hell Remastered) before it’s all over and somebody pushes the panic button.
Being how this is the last Pair you would have thought something good would come of this… and yet it doesn’t happen. This is the pace of the Pair as the series finally sputtered out of steam, more visual splash and splendor than it’s original storyline heavy risque without overdoing the fan service way. This is for those of you who love their pleasures guilty and shameless, because the pleasure in this final outing IS guilty AND shameless at the same time… which may, or may not, be a good thing.
Breakdown time.
Dirty Pair-Run From The Future Breakdown
What's Hot?
That basically depends on who you ask. Really.
Purists mostly never liked the Adam Warren Pair to begin with, so when realization finally sets in that Adam Warren may never return to the Pair? You won’t see them cry anytime soon… they might throw a Dirty Pair Convention to celebrate, sure, but they won’t cry on the passing of the 4th Version of the Pair.
May I recommend, if you have the consoles, time and the monthly subscription fee, the world of Final Fantasy XI for your convention? It’s a relatively quiet MMORPG now that everyone’s moved on the Guild Wars, Star Wars : Galaxies (version 2) and World of Warcraft so you will probably have whole cities for yourselves and your virtual convention. (Of course if you want a free place to meet you’ll go Guild Wars).
What's Not?
It's been... what? Originally when I first penned this it was two years since Adam Warren did a Dirty Pair series (2002). Now it‘s way longer than that (four years going on five)! When will he do another one? I don’t think so, but that’s my own personal grumble on the whole thing. In fact… I don’t even know WHAT he’s doing anymore!! Anybody know what Adam Warren is doing these days? Anyone? Please e-mail me if you know! Thanks.
Moments to Remember?
Yeah. There's some memorable parts here, if you like your guilty pleasures it‘s memorable. And that little 4-1-1 basically says it all about Run From The Future… so nuff said about that.
What to Ignore?
Not much to ignore… shouldn’t since this is the last hoorah after all.
The series is over, and like I said above it’s all a matter of taste here. There is no middle ground when it comes to Adam Warren’s now defunct Dirty Pair franchise, you are either pro or anty-AWDP…. But if you are a fan of Adam Warren (whatever he’s doing now) and want to be Pair Curious then you should really start to check these out. Maybe you’d like to start here… or maybe back in the heydays when the series was fresh and new and starting to grow (back in the Eclipse or early Dark Horse days)?
Either way, there are six volumes in the series so check them out.
As for this one? Give a Warren neither a break nor a hard time, which I shall do as I poke this one right down the center line and award Adam Warren’s Dirty Pair : Run From The Future a straight up middle of the road three… out of 5.
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