Thursday, September 9, 2010

We're not back, we never went away!

Well, I guess a little explanation is in order. But before that, I'd like to apologise to anyone who tried to access the domain over the past week or so. Due to a unfortunate set of circumstances the domain expired without my knowledge. If you're interested in the (lengthy & tedious) details hit the jump, otherwise please accept my apology and look forward to some new content in the *very* near future.

Well, I guess a little explanation is in order. But before that, I'd like to apologise to anyone who tried to access the domain over the past week or so. Due to a unfortunate set of circumstances the domain expired without my knowledge. If you're interested in the (lengthy & tedious) details hit the jump, otherwise please accept my apology and look forward to some new content in the *very* near future.

Still here? OK. Basically, I paid for and renewed the domain a few days before it was due to expire with my current (and utterly awesome it might be added) host, downtownhost. Now, it maybe wasn't their fault, but they shouldn't have been sending me the domain renewal reminders because I totally forgot that the domain was actually registered with my old host, Fuitadnet. Those were the guys I ditched for being totally unreliable a couple of years earlier if you can remember that far back.
Anyway, I hadn't been getting any domain renewnal reminders from them either. Just some suspicious spam looking ones from a company called Internet Names for Business. Turns out these guys are actually working for a company called Great Value Host and are entirely legit, because Great Value Host is the new name for Fuitadnet. Yeah, cheers for telling me guys.
My suspicion is that they changed names to shake their bad rep, but they sure aren't doing much to help it either. After discovering this mess, I immediately tried to pay online. They don't have any online systems (seriously? A website host without an online payment system?). 13 emails and a lot of circles later, I'm forced to make two lengthy and expensive phone calls to Canada to give them my card details to pay for the domain. Great. I paid for the domain twice, lost it for a week and now I have a huge phone bill.
Well, that'll learn me. Although I'm not at all happy with Great Value Host, it really is my fault. So I'm sorry. Won't happen again...again...honest!

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